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SO/SX 三号的本能变体(四)

作者:personality cafe








This stacking will cause most of the social variant issues described for thesocial/self-pres to manifest. The primary differences will be in the arena of interpersonal relationships. Because this is still a social subtype, this Three will strive for the accumulation of wealth in cultures where there is social validationfor wealth. The motivation for attainment of material wealth will be derivedless out of need for stability and more purely from the desire for socialadmiration. As with all self-preservation last types, this Three will find itdifficult to expend sufficient energy in practical matters, except where thereis social pressure to do so. Therefore, just as with the social/self-presThree; this Three will have an desirable home; but most likely it will fallinto disarray when visitors are not expected. With the social/self-presstacking, there is more internal motivation (stemming from the self-preservation instinct in the secondary position) to maintain order andstability for themselves. With this soc/sexual subtype the motivation to keepup appearances is more purely external.

This type can still be materially successful, but they willnot be as directly focused on this goal as the social/self-pres Three. Therewill be many occasions where the lure of enjoyment (even excess) will takeprecedence over the need to stay on the "straight and narrow." Focuson interpersonal relationships, as well as longing for intensity of experienceis far more pronounced in this type of Three than in the social/self-pres.Having the social instinct backed by the sexual instinct creates the most playful energy combination, making this Three seem somewhat like a Seven. While social validation is still the primary focus, sexual validation as well asintimacy are also sought, and it is more likely for this subtype to choose“impractically” in the area of relationships (though they may keep their more“socially unacceptable” friends hidden from public scrutiny.)

When these Threes are healthy, their interpersonal skills become a useful toolfor grounding themselves and for finding what they really want from life andfor finding who they really are. They learn to maintain a more consistentidentity, bringing all of who they really are to the forefront, which meansrecognizing the real self first.

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