


Janet Levine is founder and director of the National Educators Institute at Milton Academy, a laboratory for programs applying personality to education, and is a tenured educator in the English department at Milton Academy. A seasoned teacher, she has a wealth of experience working with parents and children. She speaks and publishes internationally on personality and education, and has authored many articles and books, including Know Your Parenting Personality: How to Use the Enneagram to Become the Best Parent You Can Be, The Enneagram Intelligences: Understanding Personality for Effective Teaching and Learning, and a well-reviewed autobiography of political memoirs, Inside Apartheid: One Woman's Struggle in South Africa.

Before her work with the Enneagram (E-model), Janet -- a native of South Africa -- was a favorite lecturer and journalist speaking on the subject of South Africa at Harvard / Radcliff, Yale, and Boston College, as well as a featured commentator on South African issues for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and was special consultant to PBS for a Frontline documentary on South Africa. As a freelance journalist over the last 35 years, Janet has been published in newspapers and journals throughout the world with featured articles in New York Times Magazine, Boston Globe, and Yale Review.
Janet continues to write and teach in Milton, Massachusetts. She can be contacted via her Web site at http://www.janetlevine.com.



